
Showing posts from November, 2020

Refinishing Hardwood Floors vs. Replacing Hardwood Floors

If your hardwood flooring is worn out, it can be tough to decide whether to hire a person to refinish the floors or substitute them. Each choice offers benefits, and the choice will be dependent on the circumstances. Here is what you want to know before deciding. What's Floor Refinishing? Real hardwood floors can be sanded 4-5 times, based upon the wear layer, to make the surface look like new. The process involves sanding down to raw timber to remove imperfections and markings, leaving the exposed coating appearing fresh. Many homeowners refinish floors to mitigate chips and stains, but some wish to use another stain color to upgrade their inside appearance. Refinishing vs. Replacing The status of the flooring is the most significant element when choosing to refinish the present substance or put in a replacement. If the recent planks are salvageable with sanding, refinishing is often the best choice. For flooring which has signs of rust or water damage, it is ideal to replace the